Below you will find Action Items, listed in order of priority. And, you can text President Biden at 302-404-0880 and Vice President Harris at 310-861-2977 daily, telling them to publish the Equal Rights Amendment. They catalogue the issues!
As you are aware, the duly ratified Equal Rights Amendment (“ERA”) is the 28th Amendment to our Constitution. The ERA not only guarantees equality for all, it saves reproductive rights, bodily autonomy, contraception, same sex marriage, interracial marriage and so much more, all of which are at risk after the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.
President Trump recently admitted that he was responsible for overturning Roe, which he did by blocking the ERA from being published in our Constitution. As is evident from recent court decisions in Pennsylvania and Nevada, where state ERAs have been used to defeat restrictions on reproductive healthcare, Roe could not have been overturned if the ERA was in the Constitution.
Unfortunately, the Trump Administration blocked publication of the ERA as part of a larger campaign against the rights of women, girls and LGBTQIA+ persons, including prohibitions on IVF healthcare and contraception, eliminating no fault divorces or prohibiting divorce while the mother is pregnant, eliminating diversity, equity and inclusion programs, and so much more.
Most importantly, as set forth in our August 23, 2025 to President Biden’s most senior advisors, they plan to strip women, girls and LGBTQIA+ people of equal protection, and SCOTUS intends to do so this June when it renders its decision in US v. Skrmetti if the ERA is not published as the 28th Amendment NOW.
Publishing the ERA as the 28th Amendment would stop SCOTUS from issuing its intended decision in Skrmetti, put an end to the war on women and LGBTQIA+ people, including the many horrors of Project 2025 (which are already being implemented in courts and state legislatures across the country), and help us restore the rights already lost. We just need the ERA published!
Despite the fact that, without the ERA, reproductive rights cannot be restored, and the courts will institute a national abortion ban and strip women, girls and LGBTQIA+ people of 14th Amendment equal protection (regardless of the outcome of the 2024 elections), the Biden Administration has not yet published the ERA and refuses to state why. Evidence that the ERA will protect women, girls and LGBTQIA+ people is mounting rapidly. This letter to President Biden, sent by 84 diverse organizations and medical associations, discusses why we need him to direct the US Archivist to publish the ERA immediately.​
TO HELP, PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES RIGHT NOW AND TEXT AND WRITE TO PRESIDENT BIDEN AND VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS. Additional information, including instructions, contact information, sample letters and social media information may be found HERE. THANK YOU!.
On July 13th, Representative Cori Bush and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand held a press conference to announce their joint resolution, calling for the immediate publication of the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment. There was excellent coverage in the New York Times making clear that this is a political, not legal issue, and Senator Gillibrand noted that President Biden can get it done today.
We have been working to garner additional support for Representative Bush's resolution, H.J.Res.82, and Senator Gillibrand's resolution, S.J.Res.39. The resolutions currently are sponsored by 67 Representives and 22 Senators.
We need your help. Please call these Senators and your own US Representative, which you may find HERE. You may also write on their contact pages. Please ask them to co-sponsor Senator Gillibrand's and Representative Bush's ERA Now Resolutions (S.J.Res.39 and H.J.Res.82, respectively) calling for the immediate publication of the Equal Rights Amendment as it is desperately needed today to guarantee equal protection for women, girls & LGBTQ+ people, protect reproductive rights, and stop the ever-increasing attacks against our rights. We cannot afford to wait any longer. It is time for President Biden to get it done.
Thank you!!!
On June 8, 2023, Gavin Newsom, the Governor of California, announced a common sense gun reform proposal, which he termed the“28th Amendment to our Constitution.” One big problem. The 28th Amendment already exists – the Equal Rights Amendment (“ERA”).
Based on our work with Governor Newsom over the last year, we know that Governor Newsom is aware that the ERA is currently the 28th Amendment. Moreover, the California Legislature, led by Senator Nancy Skinner, recently passed two resolutions driving this point home. The first states that all constitutional requirements have been satisfied, and the ERA is currently the 28th Amendment. The second goes further, requiring the California Law Revision Commission to recommend changes necessary to ensure California law complies with the ERA. That work remains ongoing.
Additionally, days before Governor Newsom’s announcement, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, like the Los Angeles Federation of Labor and the City of West Hollywood before it, unanimously passed a resolution affirming the validity of the ERA and calling on President Biden to publish it immediately.
By referring to his proposal as the “28th” Amendment, Governor Newsom is erasing the ERA, which we so desperately need to save the rights and lives of women, girls, and LGBTQIA+ people.
This cannot happen. We need Governor Newsom to immediately correct this now and join the ever-growing collection of voices calling on President Biden to publish the ERA as the 28th Amendment.
Please call Governor Newsom’s office at 916-445-2841 and tell him to immediately change his proposal to the 29th Amendment, acknowledge the ERA currently is the 28th Amendment, and urge President Biden to publish the ERA immediately. You may also email Governor Newsom HERE.
On February 28, 2023, the US Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the Equal Rights Amendment. Given the ever-increasing attacks on the rights of women, girls and LGBTQIA+ persons, we need the Equal Rights Amendment more than ever. It is the most powerful tool available to right these wrongs. To guarantee equality for all, free from the whims of anti-equality politicians and judges. To protect women from domestic violence. To restore reproductive rights. To guarantee equal pay. To end gender and pregnancy discrimination and more.
We need your help! Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and reach out via social media asking them to demand that President Biden publish the Equal Rights Amendment. Additional information, including instructions, contact information, a sample letter and social media information may be found HERE. THANK YOU!
The country is reeling in the wake of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, which overtuned Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, leaving women’s rights to bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom to the whims of state politicians, and eviscerating women’s right to equal protection, bringing women’s rights back to the 1850s.
Federal elected officials are scrambling to try to address the issue. They continue to call upon President Biden to take bold action. However, most have yet to demand publication of the Equal Rights Amendment (“ERA”) even though they know that publication of the ERA will save Roe v. Wade and guarantee equality for all.
While we continue our discussions and meetings with the White House and U.S. Senators and Representatives, there is an additional group we are targeting – certain pro-choice, pro-equality Governors – to help us continue to put pressure on the Biden/Harris Administration to publish the ERA as required by law.
We must convince the Governors, who will be on the front lines, to join our efforts to motivate the White House to direct publication of the ERA as required by law. The ERA is currently the 28th Amendment. Its publication – a simple ministerial act – is the only thing that could put an end to the baseless attacks against women, bodily autonomy and the LGBTQ+ community!
TO HELP, PLEASE TAKE A FEW MINUTES RIGHT NOW AND WRITE TO THE GOVERNORS. Instructions, contact information, sample letters and Twitter handles may be found HERE. THANK YOU!
Contact Information For Likely Supporters of Gender Equality
The contact information as well as links to the social media of Senators likely to support Gender Equality can be found HERE.